We are excited to announce the launch of our new sustainability campaign, #GoGreen. We want customers and colleagues to think about how we can all reduce our impact on the planet and help us reach our sustainability goals, as outlined in our recently launched Safe and Happy Sustainable Future Strategy.

Our Safe and Happy Sustainable Future Strategy sets out how we will improve sustainability and reduce our carbon footprint over the next five years. It will help us work towards reaching carbon neutral by 2030.

Our sustainable development concept centres around four pillars each led by a member of our senior leadership team. We will work openly and collaboratively with our partners, customers and key stakeholders to help reduce the impact of our organisation and housing stock.

Our Plan

  • Reduce the carbon footprint of our operation
  • Develop a culture where sustainability is part of all decision making
  • We’re aiming for Green Dragon Level 3
  • Understand the opportunities of our estate to maximise their environmental, social and economic benefit
  • Reduce our waste and work towards a circular economy
  • Regularly measure improvements and communicate our achievements annually
  • Create a plan to decarbonise our homes
  • Identify and secure investment to help us reduce our environmental impact
  • Investigate the possibilities of offsetting
  • Customer and colleague engagement will underpin our sustainability activities
  • Work with our suppliers to reduce the impact of our supply chain
  • Work towards the Well-being of Future Generations Act

The Four Pillars

The strategy is centred around four main pillars. Our colleagues have formed action groups to focus on each pillar and help us reach our goals. Click on each pillar to find out more about what they mean and what actions we could take:

DECARBONISATION (Link opens in new window)

Stopping carbon dioxide emissions going to the atmosphere by phasing out fossil fuels (e.g. coal, oil, petrol).

RESOURCE EFFICIENCY (Zero Waste) (Link opens in new window)

Not producing any waste, meaning that everything is either reused, recycled or donated.

BIODIVERSITY (Link opens in new window)

Biodiversity refers to all living things and how they affect and interact with each other and the action we need to take to reverse the crisis in nature.

CLIMATE CHANGE ADAPTATION (Link opens in new window)

Altering our behaviour, systems and ways of living to prepare for and adjust to the current effects of climate change and its predicted future impacts.

Get involved

Do you have a bright idea to help us reach our sustainability goals? Want to share your thoughts and ideas on how we can reduce our impact? Send us an email and we’ll let you know whether we have any opportunities to get involved.

Email us now
Safe and Happy Sustainable Future Strategy (Link opens in new window)

The strategy sets out how we will improve sustainability and reduce our carbon footprint over the next five years. It will help us work towards reaching carbon neutral by 2030.

Easy read strategy (Link opens in new window)

People with a learning disability have a right to information they can understand so they can make informed choices, speak up, and take part in their communities. We know there’s a lot of technical language when we talk about climate change, so we’ve produced an easy read, jargon-free version of the strategy to make sure that as many people as possible can join our #GoGreen movement.

Sustainability News

  • Project Update: Electrifying Our Homes

    Thank you to those of you who attended last month’s Open House event where we spoke to you about our ongoing efforts to transition 31 of our homes from gas to electric, as part of our larger commitment to decarbonisation, sustainability, and energy efficiency. We had eight families attend over the two days—slightly fewer than…

  • Handing Over Homes in Porthcawl

    We’ve recently celebrated handing over the keys to your beautiful new homes in Porthcawl.  This new 20-property development on Old Station Road, Ty’r Orsaf, consists of 17 one-bedroom and 3 two-bedroom accommodations.  This block of 20 flats has been thoughtfully designed with accessible homes on for those over 55 on the ground floor and a…

  • £213,000 to transform our green and grey spaces into Food Growing Hubs!

    We have been awarded a substantial grant of £213,000 from the National Lottery Heritage Fund. This generous funding will enable us to use our redundant green and grey spaces with a focus on two key priorities: community food growing and carbon capture. Community Food GrowingOur aim is to create spaces where residents can come together…