Bridgend Council Social Allocation Policy (Link opens in new window)

75% of our housing allocations are made from Bridgend County Borough Council’s Common Housing Register.

To be eligible and added to this register, you must be in ‘housing need’. Read the Social Allocation Policy to find out if you’re eligible.

Bridgend Housing Register (Link opens in new window)

Create an online account to be added to Bridgend Council’s Common Housing Register.

If you are unable to be added to the Common Housing Register, the Council will give you advice on your other housing options. You can also ask them to review their decision.

RCT Homefinder (Link opens in new window)

We’re expanding and letting our first homes outside of Bridgend.

Interested in one of our homes?

We are able to allocate 25% of our properties ourselves.

To find your next home with us, you will need to register your details about your housing needs, your family and what sort of home you are looking for.

The advert for the property will tell you how many people have also shown an interest in this home. We will then identify the people who best match that home and make them an offer.

When we advertise a home that matches your information you will receive a notification asking if you are interested in this home and if you wish to be considered for it.

Register now (Link opens in new window)

We are committed to:

  • Being carbon neutral by 2030, and ensuring the energy efficiency of our homes; 
  • Investing in our homes to ensure they are maintained to a high standard and fit for purpose; and 
  • Maximising opportunities to develop new homes to help the national housing crisis.
Community Living (Link opens in new window)

We offer community living accommodation for customers over 50 years of age with support needs. Our purpose-built sheltered and extra care accommodation provides homes at Maesteg, Pyle, Porthcawl, Nanytmoel, and Bridgend.

Homelessness (Link opens in new window)

If you are at risk of becoming homeless, or homeless already, let Bridgend County Borough Council know about your situation. The sooner you do, the sooner they can help.


Are pets allowed in Community Living accommodation?

Our schemes have a general no pet policy. But we make exceptions when this will negatively affect a customer’s wellbeing, and the accommodation is set up to suit. For example, the property has a separate front door to avoid the pet moving through communal spaces. 

The introduction of a pet to a scheme is always done in consultation with the other customers. However, therapy pets often visit our schemes.

Can I transfer to another Valleys to Coast home?

You may be able to transfer to another one of our homes if you are being affected by the Welfare Reform Act, or your home is too big or too small for your household.

When discussing a transfer with you, things we consider are whether you’re up-to-date with rent and service charges, and whether any unauthorised alterations have been made to your home.

Get in touch with us by email or telephone about your situation, and we will advise you on your next steps.

Although we strive to ensure our homes meet the needs of existing and new customers, transfers are not always possible. Please bear that in mind if you expect your household size to increase.

Can I swap my home?

If you want to swap your home with another person living in a social housing home, then you can advertise this through a website called HomeSwapper. Whether you want to stay in Bridgend or not, you will be notified once a match is made.

Find out more and register on Homeswapper here.