As you know, Llanw are now providing your repairs service on behalf of Valleys to Coast. We’ve been working together to improve your repairs journey and as part of the improvements, when you call our office from now on, you’ll notice a few changes.
Until this week, we only asked if your call related to a new or existing repair before putting you through to an advisor. Now, before putting you through to speak to someone, we’ll also ask you which category your repair falls into – carpentry, electrics, plumbing and heating, or something else. If you choose the wrong option, you can press 1 to return to the menu.
You’ll also notice us answering the phone with a new greeting – a friendly “hello, you’re through to Llanw, the repairs service on behalf of Valleys to Coast”.
How will the changes help me?
- You’ll speak to the advisor with the most knowledge around the type of repair you select
- Speaking to the right person straight away means you’re more likely to receive advice on the spot
- You’ll spend less time waiting for answers
More improvements to come
Soon, you’ll also have the option to select a call back instead of queuing when wait times get too high.
Tell us what you think!
If you call us over the next few weeks, we’ll ask you if you’d like to give feedback on the changes to the telephony system. The changes haven’t been finalised yet, so we’d appreciate your views on whether you found the new options helpful or not – and why.