Our Community Estates Team has been working hard to make your communities and places cleaner and brighter as part of our #LoveYourStreet fly-tipping campaign. 

We held skip amnesty days in Porthcawl to help you dispose of your large unwanted items, and the results have been amazing. This not only helped clear out clutter but also gave us the perfect opportunity to chat with you about responsible waste disposal. It was great to see your community come together and take such an active role in keeping our neighbourhood beautiful.

You didn’t hold back when it came to tidying up, together we filled two skips and four van loads across two locations! But it wasn’t just about getting rid of unwanted items. We also had some wonderful conversations with you about how we can enhance your local area.

One of your most popular requests was for more raised flower beds and benches to enjoy the outdoors more comfortably. Our fantastic Community Estates Team will be bringing these ideas to life over the coming weeks.