We understand how important it is to spend time with you and listen to the ways you want to be supported and assisted, which is why we are excited to tell you that we have recently refocused our Housing Team to improve our services.
Bigger, better Community Housing Team
We have increased the size of our Community Housing Team so that we can understand your needs and offer personalised support. We’re confident that this will strengthen our relationship with you.
From Administrators to Housing Assistants
This change means Housing Assistants will be able to visit you at home. These meetings aim to provide you with more effective and responsive support so that your housing needs are met.
Integrating our Home Safety and Housing Partner Team
This integration will allow us to better coordinate our efforts and ensure that all safety standards are consistently met across all housing areas.
Updated List of Area Patches and Roles
Below, you’ll find the updated list of who your new Community Housing Partner is based on where you live. Please take a look to help you understand who you need to contact for your housing support going forward.
If you have any questions, call us on 0300 123 2100 or email our Hubbers: TheHub@v2c.org.uk.